Orders placed with Seedsbible.com are commonly made-to-order and will ship within 1-2 weeks of order confirmation. If the product is in stock, the products are typically packaged and shipped within 2 business days. We do our best to get your orders out as quickly as possible.
If you need a product sooner than 2 weeks, send us a message and we will let you know if we can accommodate at that time.
Shipping transit times will vary depending on distance from our warehouse, current package carrier load, weather, etc.
Small custom built orders may take up to 3 weeks to manufacture, and will be shipped upon completion.
Larger orders will be quoted a completion time that may vary from the times listed in this shipping document.
We ship both domestically and to some international destinations. International shipping is not covered under any potential free shipping offers.
Returns: Please contact us if there is a problem with your order, or if your product is damaged, please let us know and we can resolve it accordingly.